Saturday, September 25, 2010

New School

Right after I graduated high school I went down to school at BYU Provo. After I got home from my mission I transferred up to BYU Idaho. Both are church schools and both were great.


I now attend Idaho State University. It's not a church school. People smell like smoke, or beer, or they just smell. Now the smelly part isn't the best, (not everyone smells though. That's a plus!) but I have to say that I honestly love going to a liberal school. Yes I'm not a fan of gays or lesbians. They just kinda creep me out. If that offends you, good for you. But I do love how not everyone is Mormon.

The first day of classes this semester I was walking to a class and I see this guy. He's probably like 40. And has a pony tail. And a sweet beard. And a beer gut. And looks like white trash. So OF COURSE I notice him. But it gets better. This sweet addition to any university sees someone he knows and here is the conversation which ensued.

40 Year Old nasty Man: Hey man you off probation yet?

30 Year old slightly less nasty dude: Yeah I just got off.

40 Y.O.N.M: Oh sweet (Sweet was said like he thought he was a bad A surfer dude) I was thinking about going to get a beer. You want to come?

30 Y.O.S.L.N.D: Hell yeah man that sounds good.

This conversation pretty much made my day. First of all, these guys totally looked like losers. Second, the one is almost as old as my dad. Haha I love nasty people.

Wait, strike loving nasty people. There's a girl in my speech class. She's fairly attractive. But just because I think she is fairly attractive it does not mean that I want to see 4 inches of butt crack hanging out of her pants. Gross. Huge drop on the attractive scale. I don't care how hot you are, a butt crack is a butt crack. And I don't want to see it. Nasty sauce.

I love going to school at ISU. People aren't all goody goody Mormon and judge me because I skipped Elder's Quorum and Sunday School to watch the World Cup. (I still went to Sacrament Meeting. That's the important one anyways right?) And the weird thing is that I actually get to set an example for people because some know that I'm Mormon. When everyone is Mormon I have a hard time trying to be good because everyone is. And while I'm not the best little Mormon boy, I do like standing out. Even if it is only because I don't look mangy and I look clean.

Haha I think the 6 followers I had no longer read this blog. So I'm blogging to myself? I'm okay with that. I think I'm funny anyways

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kissing for fun

So it's been a while since I've written anything on here. Partially because I haven't had a whole lot to write and partially because I have gotten out of the habit of blogging. But I have some spare time tonight and was reading through some of the blogs I follow with my real email account and I decided to post something here.

One of the blogs I follow both here and with my real account is Mormon Bachelor Pad. I'll admit that I'm a little jealous that they have so many people who follow their blog and currently I have 6. But they always have so many interesting things to blog about and I do not. I live on a farm and since last December I've been dating the same girl. Boring. At least from the blogging point of view. But that is over and now life is getting interesting again. Ish.
So the first point of interest happened about a month ago. Nikki is a girl that I dated for 3 1/2 years before I left on my mission. High school sweethearts, dated my first year of college, blah blah blah. Anyways when I came home I wanted to date her, she was dating someone else, I started dating someone, she wanted to date, I was still dating someone else, ect. But we dated off and on for almost a year until she left on her mission.
Well Nikki got home from her mission in February and I was still dating Marcy. But a month ago Nikki was home from Provo and came over to watch a movie. She hadn't seen Sherlock Holmes so I put it in and sat down next to her on a Love Sac. Well we were cuddling one minute and then the next we were making out. Talk about a major temptation. Nikki and I had gotten in trouble together plenty of times before when we were dating and the only reason we didn't that night was because of her. Haha my bad.
The other interesting story happened last night. I started school at Idaho State University just over a month ago. There is a girl in my speech class named Charly who played soccer for a different school in the same district I played soccer in. We sit next to each other in class and talk all through it and for the last couple weeks have been hanging out after I finish class and she finishes work on Tuesdays. Well Sara Bareilles had a concert last night on campus at ISU and we had talked about going but we both decided we didn't really want to go. So instead I drove the 40 minutes to her house so we could hang out. Well we messed around for a while and then she put in a movie.
I was just planning on watching the movie, it was a movie I hadn't seen and while Charly is wicked cool, I didn't really want to make a move. But she cuddled up to me with her head on my shoulder. I was okay with that. It didn't bother me one way or the other. As the movie went on she would cuddle closer and start running her finger over my leg. Now sometimes I see signs that aren't there but she was for sure wanting me to do something.
After a while I kinda felt bad not doing anything so I put my arm around her and she snuggled in closer. After a while of me rubbing her back she started to tip her head up like she wanted me to kiss her. But I didn't. I wasn't sure I wanted to open that can of worms. I asked her thought if it would make things weird between us as friends if we kissed and she said it wouldn't so I ended up kissing her.
Will I regret making out with her come Tuesday in class? I honestly don't know. Maybe I will if it is awkward. But I do know that it was fun!