Saturday, December 19, 2009

Crazy people

It's kinda crazy how much of a difference a few days can make. A few days ago I wrote that I wasn't in the market for anything serious. Gus commented on my post and asked if I wasn't interested in anything else why was I spending so much time with Marcy. That really got me thinking, why do I do stuff with her so much? This is what I came up with.
I really do like Marcy. At first things were rough with her. They were awkward and confusing. But as time has gone on they get easier and easier. I have so much fun with her now. So to answer the question from Gus, I'm spending so much time with her because I like her. I actually like her a lot. Yesterday Marcy headed down to Utah to spend a few days at her sister's house before she flies home for the break. I spent the day snowboarding but I went over to see her before I headed up to the hill. As I was leaving I gave her a hug. One of the good ones where you never want to let go. And she looked up at me and I couldn't help it. I kissed her. It was great. Was right up until the time when I had to leave.
On the way home from boarding I was texting her and she asked if we were dating. I asked her if she thought we were and she said yes. She asked if I wanted to be dating. So I thought about it and realized that I really do want to date her. So I told her that I did. So we're dating now. And as much as I didn't think I'd like it, I love it. I think the reason I was so against it is because I am still getting over Chloe. After all, today is the day I was supposed to get married.
But as to the crazy people, today I was texting Chloe's old roommate who wants to make out with me and I told her that I am dating someone now. Her response was

This is a good thing to know because I could've loved you as more than a friend, but now I know we're not supposed to be.

Now bear in mind I've never taken this girl on a date and yet she is saying crap about us and being together. I'm not going to lie, it was weird. Here are a couple other texts she sent me.

My love for you will never waver. I'm your friend forever and I still can't wait to see you. I'm happy for your happiness.

Question- you're not going to treat me weird/differently because I realized I could have truly loved u, are u?

I killed any feelings I could've had for you today, so there's no reason to treat me differently.

I'm not going to lie, this whole deal is weird for me. I mean the only time this girl was ever around me was when I was with her roommate Chloe who I was engaged to. I'm not really sure what causes people to be all sorts of crazy like that but it was weird. Talk about creepy


Seneca said...

Oh my gosh Chloe's room mate is crazy! And I am so happy for you and Marcy. I could tell you really really liked her. Good decision. :D Yipee! I am so happy!

Katie said...

Way to go, Idaho. I'm really happy for you and Marcy :) Best of luck.

Chloe's roommate=psycho. Who does that? really?

Anonymous said...

Chloe's roommate sounds crazy.

Great for dating Marcy!

TechieGirl said...

Way to go Wes. That's awesome that you finally figured things out. Sorry that you have one of those crazy creeper girls on you. They can be really scary.

CarrieBradshaw* said...

I don't get men. The end.