Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Suckiness of Christmas Break

So it's Christmas break. Christmas is in two days, I'm spending time with my family, getting snowmobiles ready to go ride for a week. I should be enjoying life right? Right. Am I? Hmmmm not so much. There's a few reasons why this is the case.
First off, I'm not just at my parents house for the break. I'm here til April. I'm off track next semester up at BYU-I which means I'm not allowed to take classes. Now I was planning on being married and still being up there this coming semester. Actually, I was supposed to be coming back from my honeymoon today. Not going to lie, these last few days have been a little weird. Knowing that if things would have worked out how they were originally planned I would have been on my honeymoon made for a downer of a weekend. I'll be honest, I've been the good little boy and am waiting to have sex until I get married. So after waiting for so long and then not getting some, yeah it sucks.
Next off, Marcy and I have been texting pretty much non-stop since we last saw each other last Friday. I won't lie, it sucks to not be able to see her. Especially after the last few days and a few things that she's said. I'm not really sure how it came up but she told me that she kinda did want to end up with me. It was awesome.
The couple of times that I've dated girls and thought that there could be more than just dating for a few months, bringing that fact up has always been awkward. Now I know what some of you are thinking. Wesley's just one more Mormon boy ready to jump the gun and get married. Yeah I'm going to have to call no on that one. Actually it's going to be a big Hell No! Honestly, I'm so scared for when I actually do get engaged again. Having it not work out freaking sucked. I don't want that again. So yeah I'm a little freaked out that the topic of marriage has already come up. But at the same time I'm not too worried about it. Firstly because I know that I'm not going to be proposing any time soon. Second, Marcy is way cool. Ever since I decided I did want to date her, I've been asking myself why I ever was trying to avoid it. She's amazing.
What my family has had to say has been interesting ever since they found out about Marcy and I. Turns out, my family wasn't too keen on Chloe. Out of respect for me they didn't say anything but now it's all coming out. I appreciate that they didn't want to rag on her where we were going to get married but if they disliked her so much I honestly wish they would have said something. The good news is that they seem to like Marcy. My mom thinks she is cute. She wanted to see a picture of Marcy's family so I brought one up on my computer of them at the beach and my mom (being the good Mormon lady she is) was all shocked when she realized it was Marcy wearing the bikini. It was kinda funny. I for one am definitely a fan of Marcy in a bikini. She's freaking hot.
But I digress. This definitely sounds cheesy but I hate that I have to wait two more weeks to see Marcy. And then when she comes back she'll be going to school and I'll be an hour away working which means I'll only see her on the weekends. It'll be nice that I still get to see her, but for the last month I've been with her every day. It'll just be a little different is all. Take what you can get, right?