Friday, December 4, 2009


So I haven't posted anything on here in a long time. I blame this on a few things. First, I've been super lazy and haven't wanted to sit down and type. Second, the ski hill opened, enough said. And third, there's been the whole Marcy thing going on. So after Thanksgiving she invited me to go over to her apartment. So I did and it was okay. She didn't really talk to me a whole lot but her roommates are way cool and one of them water skis so we had a great time talking skiing. Anyways things were weird with Marcy for quite a while still but they were starting to get better. She finally quit holing up in a shell and not talking. One night we are texting as I'm falling asleep and she tells me that she does like me and that she'd like me to kiss her. Well she told me this about 2 weeks ago and I've seen her everyday since and haven't kissed her. I'm not really sure if I want to kiss her. I mean I could and because of that it's kinda lost some appeal. Plus the semester just ended today and she is gone til January and I'm going to be down in hickville working next semester so I won't see her too often. I figure why complicate life by some girl thinking we are dating.
Last weekend Marcy and I took a trip down to Salt Lake to go to the Tabernacle Christmas concert and look at the lights. It was great and I had a great time. Marcy was feeling a little better than usual and was more herself. A couple days ago though the whole DTR conversation came up though and she asked if we were dating. Honestly, in my mind we aren't. She didn't feel the same way. She said she wants to see where this will go. I'm not going to lie, I'm not really looking for anything serious right now. Even if she is super attractive. I won't lie, I'm kinda just in the market for making out right now.
This leads me to my current dilemma. So one of Chloe's old roommates and another girl I'm friends with both want me to kiss them. Why? Yeah I'm not sure. I'm okay with it though. But pretty sure Marcy would be all sorts of hurt if I did and she found out about it. Decisions decisions.


Anonymous said...

So if you are in it for the making out, and don't have feelings for Marcy, why are you going out a lot with her?

TechieGirl said...

I've done that, hung out a lot with a guy and even kissed him and then kissed other guys at the same time. I'm one that sides with the concept of if you aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, than you're allowed to date around and who you kiss is your business. However if you really don't want to hurt Marcy, you may want to either ensure that she never finds out, or tell her straight up that you aren't looking for something serious and that if she is she'll have to wait for you to come around.

Katie said...

You're kind of just in the market for making out? That's kind of lame/dumb. I'm just sayin'.

CarrieBradshaw* said...

I'm sorry but this is what pisses me off about men. If you continue hanging out with her in her mind she is thinking, "Wow, he must really like me." And if you're really only in it for the making out why haven't you kissed her? I mean, I'm happy you haven't because then she'd fall for you more but I think it's important you are VERY CLEAR with her of your intentions. Trust me, I've been there. Just stop hanging out with her if you don't see it going anywhere, because the more you do the more attached she becomes.

just sayin'