Monday, October 4, 2010


Okay here is a really quick post. My cousin just found my photography blog and she told me that I should tell people about it. So I decided to tell the two of you who read this about my photography blog. It isn't anything spectacular but I do enjoy taking pictures when I have time. You'll see that I don't post frequently on it. This is due to me not having time to take pictures. But I'm finishing some right now so I might have a new post sometime in the next few weeks.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll write a real post. About socks. Just wait, it will be epic. (At least in my head it will be interesting)


Lachele said...

Atleast now I know your real name

Wesley Eff said...

Haha Rusty is a nickname. I could be wrong but I don't think my name is associated with that account either

Wesley Eff said...

Dang it. I just realized my name is on there. Eff. Oh well

Lachele said...

Haha..... Looks like your secret is out! Lucky for you I don't have a great attention to detail and I didn't go searching for it;)