Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So this is really weird but I'm picky about my socks. I'm not sure where this weirdness with socks comes from but people usually think I'm weird when they find out so I figured I'd share.

Growing up we weren't allowed to go outside in just our socks. I think this was because my mom didn't want us to ruin our socks. We could go out barefoot but if we had socks on, we had to have shoes on too. Well a couple weeks ago I'm over at Charly's and we go out to jump on the tramp. She looked at me kinda funny when I went to get my shoes from next to the front door (habit from the mission. I won't wear shoes in someones house usually) and I put my shoes on to walk across the grass and then took them off to jump on the tramp. There really was only 15-20 feet of grass between the back door and the tramp. Dumb on my part, I know.

Work Socks

So I work on a farm and I get stuff in my shoes all the time. Because of this my socks for work are never white. So I have different socks to wear for work then for anything else. The two types of socks never get used for the other purpose. Now you would think that as these socks are dirty all the time I wouldn't care if I had two different types of work socks on. But I do. I will search for 10 minutes to find matching work socks. And it isn't just the color of the sock. I have three different kind of plain white work socks. They look the same but were purchased at different times. Even though they look the same, I won't wear two different age socks at the same time. It drives me nuts to do so because they fit just a little bit differently.

The same goes for my good socks. They don't mix. Ever. I would wear sandals in the middle of winter with a foot of fresh snow on the ground rather then wear mismatched socks. I actually did that in high school. My toes froze. But it would have driven me crazy to have my socks different all day long.

Something tells me I might be a little OCD. Maybe just a little :)


ashley said...

ha ask my mom i have sock issues. i was not a fan of socks with the ribbing by the toes.. i have sorted to flippy flops and sandals... lets just say i dont wear socks unless i play sports.

Wesley Eff said...

Yeah I wear flip flops most of the time. But I have to wear socks to work on the farm and on days I ride my longboard

Lachele said...

You two are werid. I hate laundry and folding socks. If they look slightly the same they'll go together!

ashley said...

lachellllabear! I wear flip flops every day. Even though i grew up in rexburg idaho and its damn cold.