Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little bit about me

Well I figure to kick this whole thing off I'd better tell a little bit about me. First off, I'm a kid born on a farm in Idaho. If that isn't enough to make you realize this won't be that exciting, I don't know what will. I was born and raised Mormon. Growing up I kinda fell away from the church and didn't really go or went only to appease my parents. But during my junior year of high school I decided to go on a mission after I graduated. So after high school I moved to Provo and went to school at good old BYU for 6 months. Did the mission thing for a while, came home and now I go to school in Rexburg, Idaho. Where there are even more rules than at Provo. But the good news is that there seems to be more of a medium here. Fewer die hard party people and fewer "I'm such a good Mormon I make you want to throw up every time you see me."
That last sentence should have given you an idea as to where I stand on the Mormon-o-meter. If being Mormon were to be compared to political stance (and I guess I'm comparing it now) with being a goody goody Mormon on the far right and people who claim Mormonism yet party it up whenever they get the chance on the far left, I'm somewhere just left of center. I'm no Peter Priesthood by any means nor do I fornicate all the time. I believe the church to be true. I just struggle finding the motivation to follow all the commandments. Also I'm decidedly weak and I get tempted way to easily. I've been in the bishop's office to repent more than my fair share of times. That's about it. I'm really not that exciting. But it's a start. When I think of some more to type up than I guess it'll be time for the next post.