Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So last night I got on my computer to check my mail right before I went to be just like I do every night. I log in and immediately a girl in my ward/fhe sister starts talking to me on chat. Now to background this conversation this girl and I hung out a lot and went on a couple dates, we made out a couple times but we talked about it and realized that neither of us were really interested in dating so that was it. Last night this is the conversation that took place.

Sarah: hey, can i ask you a question?

Wesley: Yeah sure shoot

Sarah: ok, here is my question.... are you embarased by me?

Wesley: Why would I be embarrassed by you?

Sarah: i dunno. you don't say 'hi' or talk to me and when i'm around you don't look at me

Wesley: Well to be honest it's a little weird being around you

Sarah: explain why

Wesley: Well you are completely different than you seemed at first when I met you.

Sarah: how?

Wesley: Well at first you were this girl who seemed like everything I looked for in a girl. You were cool and funny and fun to be with and easy to talk to. Now you aren't easy to talk to and you are quite a bit different than I am.

Sarah: ok.... well, i'm sorry. i don't think i've changed. the whole talking thing is the same for me to you too and ya, i am different, we're different ppl.

Wesley: I'm going to be honest. Your friends are just different than me and to me seem a little weird. I'm sure they are great for you but you would always invite them over when you'd come over to see us and my roommates and I always felt weird having them in our apartment all the time and having you invite them along to everything

Sarah: ok, i got that, and i'm sorry. so... we can't be friends cuz i'm weird and i have weird friends?

Wesley: Well we can be friends but people tend to hang out with other people like themselves. And like you said, we are different

Sarah: everybody is different. what are yur expectations of people?

Wesley: Yeah but my and I have a lot of similarities. Similar backgrounds and interests. We have similar habits and just similar in general. We generally act a lot alike because we are so similar. And I don't know what you mean by expectations of people.

Sarah: so, i should be sorry for having friends and not from (city)and i'm sorry that me or my brother don't meet yur expectations

Wesley: No you don't have to be sorry for anything. And I have plenty of friends who aren't from (city). And they have friends too. I'm not trying to attack you. I promise. You asked so I'm explaining.

Anyways, you get the gist of the conversation. She asked me why we didn't hang out more and I told her. I was open and honest with her and she tried to make me seem like a terrible person because of it. The good news is, I really didn't care that she was trying to piss me off. But here are a few things that bother me about this girl.

1. That conversation was exactly as it happened last night. It was really hard typing as she does and not using punctuation or capitalization. Also using ppl instead of people? Talk about annoying. I'm just one of those people who think we should try to use decent grammar. I use punctuation and capitalization when I text. It's just something I do.

2. When two people start dating it makes sense to not invite family along every time you do something right? At least that is what I think. Every time we hang out or do something she always wants to know if her brother or his roommate or her roommate can come too. One time my roommates and I were making dinner and we invited Sarah to come over and eat with us. She says yes and then comes back a minute later and asks if her roommate can come too. So she ends up bringing her roommate and her brother over. When we watch movies, somehow her weird friends always end up at our apartment. I'm not really a fan.

3. I realized after we started hanging out a lot that Sarah really doesn't put any effort into how she looks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of high maintenance girls or people who care a lot about what they look like but you have to care somewhat what you look like. I mean brush your hair for Pete's sake. Maybe I'm shallow but where I put a little care into making sure I don't look like a complete slob I kinda expect the same from a girl.

Anyways this probably doesn't make any sense because I'm writing this in class but there's my story for the day.


Seneca said...

She can I say this kindly? Kinda desperate. I was once one of those girls who apologized for practically breathing until a good friend snapped me out of that bad habit. Thank goodness. I agree, you shouldn't feel bad for you two not meshing well. It is what it is.

Wesley Eff said...

Do you think it was rude of me though to straight up tell her that her friends are weird to me? I'm a person who doesn't like hurting people so I worry about this

Seneca said...

Haha I am too. I always end up apologizing to people who didn't even consider what I did or said an offense. Oi vey. Hmmm... I think you are justified. I mean she was asking. Its like when someone breaks up with another, there is usually an explanation as to why.

Katie said...

I agree with Seneca. She sounds a little desperate.

And I can't stand when people talk in "text speak". I used to that a lot...when I was 14. It really makes a persons intelligence level go down about 10 points, in my opinion.